Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 7 - A Long Ride

Day 7  

  First before I tell you about this wonderous ( that's a new blog word) day. I just had to remark on John Mayers new album Battle Studies. It's pretty disapponting that he switched back from playing blues to his earlier pop stuff. LAME. However I'm making the trip to Siem Reap right now by bus and this album is much better than the crap that they have blasting over the 15 speakers throughout the bus. It's like nails on a chalkboard, we actually pulled out ear plugs and passed them around to stop the pain. They didn't help :(
  Sadly not too much happened today so i'm able to keep my blog short and sweet... Finally! Some days I feel like I could write a complex novel with what happened but not today. Basically we woke up at 5, left at 6, borded a bus to Siem Reap at 7, bought a fried taratula at 9 which we used to torture the ladies with,  and arrived at 1. Siem reap is much smaller than Phnom Penh and more touristy. There are more 5 star hotels in this city than any other city in the world which means that it's whole economy is built off of tourism. The population here doubled from 2 to 4 million in 8 years. That's pretty amazing huh? The city only has a few main roads so it's much less likely to get lost here then in Phnom Penh. Also a bonus here is that everyone can speak a little English, even the kids trying to sell trinkets on the side of the road. (I'm writing this blog a day late and wanted to tell all the mothers that everyone is feeling better, including Laura. Hungs brother married the daughter of medical dr here in Siem Reap who donated her time here to get Laura better. She even brought home made curry... Yum it was sooo good). Tomorrow we will be touring the temples of Angor Wat all day and we are very excited about it.


  1. This was a down day for you guys to just relax and get strong for the rest of your trip. Yes, the Mom's are all happier now that we know the sickies are feeling more like themselves. Fried tarantula doesn't sound like a good choice. Hopefully you didn't eat it but just used it for a little humor.
    Can't wait to see more pictures. xoxox

  2. Amen and ditto to terri's comments. Egads--spiders... Is there something one cannot eat? What a diet plan!!

  3. Yes, "Amen and Ditto" on the health and diet issues! I was happy to get a short note from Nick that Nate (his chiro. friend from Seattle), and Nate's chiropractor friend, had arrived safely. Good luck to all of you on your next five days of adjusting. Again, thanks so much, Devin, for your communication!~~~Hugs~~~J

  4. Very happy to hear Laura and the others are well and no else has gotten sick! Can't wait to hear about the tour at Angkor Wat. I googled it and it looks amazing! Kim isn't fond of spiders, so I can only imagine how "fried tarantula" went over with her. I know that was something she didn't try! :) thanks for the blog, keep the stories coming, we love them!
